Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So glad it's Wednesday...

I'm freakin' tired! I go to school 5 days a week but Monday-Wednesday are my longest days which are full of my hardest classes (Microbiology and Immunology). I had two tests this week and the last one was today, so tonight I can just do what I want to do and not have to worry about studying til Sunday.

I've decided that I'm going to jog on the treadmill for a while during the CMA's. I want to try to get an hour in tonight, especially because I had a chili dog for lunch and some chocolate covered pretzels. I'm trying not to look at things like that as cheating, and instead just say..."Ok, you had that, so you'll need to do a little extra when you work out." Because if I just think I'm cheating and it was horrible and bad then I get discouraged and don't want to do anything except feel sorry for myself.

I'm really, really trying to make sure that this is the LAST TIME. :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sometimes I just want to scream. I don't know what it's going to take for me to ever stick with anything. As far as my weight goes, that is. 

One thing I'm pretty proud of this time is the fact that I have been pop-free for about a month and a half now. That has never been done. And, this week I have decided to switch to unsweetened tea instead of sweetened. We'll see how long that lasts.

I need to be blogging I really wonder if that will help keep me on track. I didn't blog often before and it got me nowhere. So maybe switching everything up will be the way to go.

So here is day one of two of starting over, again.

And I'm off!

1....2...3....       GO.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What is this, attempt number 98785979??

I'm so over this whole being fat/dieting/falling off crap. I mean really. What IS it that keeps me from doing what I need to do? It's not that I don't have the's not that I don't have the knowledge of what needs to be's the fact that I am still too damn lazy to do anything about it. Lazy! Not motivated! It sucks and I'm tired of it. I'm now 27 years old and I was told when I donated blood that my blood pressure was a point higher than it should have been, and that my cholesterol is high. That right there should have scared me onto the treadmill. is Saturday, March whatever. I'll be graduating college in a year and 2 months. Starting life over in Tulsa. Starting a new job at some hospital or clinic. Trying to get serious about maybe finding husband #2. And in 5 months I'll be going to Miami. Who wants to go to Miami being fat and feeling uncomfortable the whole time? Not me.

So, as of today, attempt 98785979 is happening.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dun, dun, dun...

I cheated today. Not in a bad way..I just went over my daily calorie limit by about 250 calories. And I didn't exercise. But I'm not discouraged, I'll just call it a cheat day and go on about my business.

I'm glad I'm done with school for the have no idea. Wednesday will be my boys' last day, then we will be on our way to doing all kinds of fun things. First thing big on my list is to go to the Brooks & Dunn and Jason Aldean concert on the 28th of this month...heading back to Tulsa for that so I can spend time with the family and maybe even head to Rocklahoma the following Saturday and Sunday. So excited!

I'm hoping all these tornadoes and storms we've been having will stop being so regular, as in, every day or every other day..because I hope to not spend my summer riding out storms. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Anyways...I'm going to bed! :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

free time=better eating

Now that school's out, I'm really enjoying having more time to experiment in the kitchen...healthily. I think it's safe to say I've always been a pretty good cook, but I'm used to cooking the normal "down home" stuff. Which is great, but more often than not those things contain a lot of bad stuff. Not only that, but when I'm eating healthy stuff, my taste buds aren't quite so indulgent so I can stick to strict portions and not have urges to go back for more. I like that!

The other night I was thinking of something interesting to try, and I stumbled upon Bobby Flay's recipe for tuna burgers. I like tuna...I can eat it out of a bowl with some mayo, mustard and relish, but that gets old sometimes. I changed his recipe up a little, to suit my tastes, and they tasted pretty good.

 It was a nice variation on boring old canned tuna. That being said, has become a friend of mine.

Tonight I just finished up a delicious plate of what I'll call "smoked sausage stir fry". I worried it would be a little plain, as I didn't follow a recipe, and it was very simple. But it was yummy! I just cut up 3 bell peppers...yellow, red and green, along with some smoked sausage and onions. I tossed them all in a skillet with some olive oil and sprinkled some McCormick GrillMates Garlic & Onion Medley. Delicious. Even my 5 and 7 year olds liked it.

I'm still doing very good on my calorie counting...I'm fairly impressed with myself. It really helps to put the day's meals in the night before, that way I don't have to mess with it during the day unless I add something or take something out. I think I'm really getting a hang of all this! :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Calorie Counting for Dummies?

Hmm. So I've dabbled in calorie counting before, but never really stuck with it. I've never been one to check every package of everything I was eating or drinking. So time consuming! And then, when I was previously counting them, I was using FitDay. That site is helpful and has a lot of foods and beverages in its database, but I found that a lot of the time I was having to manually put things in. Well, between working and kids and whatever else I had going on, I wouldn't last at it for more than a couple weeks.

I recently stumbled onto a new site called and I must say I LOVE IT! I have not had to type in one thing manually, it's like it has everything under the sun, even things from restaurants. There are lots of neat little calculators and info there too. I'm quite pleased with the site.

That being said, as I type these things in, I am really amazed at the whole calorie counting thing. I think I have always been the type to just try to diet by not eating as much.Well, where will that really get you? Discouraged is where! Pissed off, even, at the fact that you have stopped snacking or binging only to find that you haven't lost a thing. But why?? Perhaps its because you had a cheeseburger for lunch that day that wiped out your caloric intake for the entire day. Yep...been there, done that..didn't realize it and it sucked.
When you put yourself on a daily limit, and you actually track your calories after every meal, you realize that sometimes "how much" you eat is completely irrelevant. It's what you're eating.

I can only imagine how many people have fallen off the wagon from calorie counting. If you weren't exercising, just watching how much you ate, I can see how awful it would be to learn that at 1 p.m. you'd already totalled for the day and if you ate anything else or drank anything with calories, you'd better get to walking or jogging, or starve for the rest of the day.

So this is a learning process..but a good one. Sometimes you just never realize how much junk is in the things we like to eat. I am going to stick with this calorie counting thing, but my main idea with it is to change some of the things I'm eating, and the things that I refuse to give up..well, that's where the joy of portion control comes in.

So, calorie calculator, I look forward to becoming best friends. :)


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