Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I loooove Skinny Cow stuff. Does anyone not? It doesn't taste like it's any better for you than the other stuff. In fact they're so good that my kids and I fight over who gets the last mini fudge pop. I bought them their own popsicles but no, they want the ones with the cow.

Tonight I had a taco salad...honestly, things like that are not hard for me at all, I'd much rather have my taco stuff on lettuce than in a shell. I reloaded on SmartWater today...I'm really getting into drinking water like I'm supposed to. Yay, me!

I kind of pulled an all nighter last night with the load of homework and studying I had to do...but I feel good about the tests I took, my research paper came our pretty well, and now I'm just exhausted. I only got about 4 hours of sleep last night and I have heard that 4 is the worst number of hours to get. Actually, an ex boyfriend told me that. He read somewhere that even 3 hours is better than 4..there is something about that 4th's probably the hour where you hit your REM stage, and if you wake up during that, you are completely unsatisfied sleep-wise.
Luckily I have no classes tomorrow until I can sleep in an hour later and spend my day cleaning, getting a good workout in and studying for my biology test.
I also have decided to delete all of my online "dating profiles". Not that I had hundreds of them but I have a few, and I just have no desire to date anyone right now. I really just want to focus on me...getting my weight under control, getting thru school, and hanging with my little boys. I don't have time or energy for any distractions like guys. Because they've only caused trouble for me so far, lol.

Well, Jillian is calling my name, willing me to come partake in some 30 here I go. :)



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