Saturday, March 19, 2011

What is this, attempt number 98785979??

I'm so over this whole being fat/dieting/falling off crap. I mean really. What IS it that keeps me from doing what I need to do? It's not that I don't have the's not that I don't have the knowledge of what needs to be's the fact that I am still too damn lazy to do anything about it. Lazy! Not motivated! It sucks and I'm tired of it. I'm now 27 years old and I was told when I donated blood that my blood pressure was a point higher than it should have been, and that my cholesterol is high. That right there should have scared me onto the treadmill. is Saturday, March whatever. I'll be graduating college in a year and 2 months. Starting life over in Tulsa. Starting a new job at some hospital or clinic. Trying to get serious about maybe finding husband #2. And in 5 months I'll be going to Miami. Who wants to go to Miami being fat and feeling uncomfortable the whole time? Not me.

So, as of today, attempt 98785979 is happening.



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