Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dun, dun, dun...

I cheated today. Not in a bad way..I just went over my daily calorie limit by about 250 calories. And I didn't exercise. But I'm not discouraged, I'll just call it a cheat day and go on about my business.

I'm glad I'm done with school for the have no idea. Wednesday will be my boys' last day, then we will be on our way to doing all kinds of fun things. First thing big on my list is to go to the Brooks & Dunn and Jason Aldean concert on the 28th of this month...heading back to Tulsa for that so I can spend time with the family and maybe even head to Rocklahoma the following Saturday and Sunday. So excited!

I'm hoping all these tornadoes and storms we've been having will stop being so regular, as in, every day or every other day..because I hope to not spend my summer riding out storms. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Anyways...I'm going to bed! :)



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